Membrane - Filmtec 75 GPD


Water Filter World

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This is the heart of the R.O., this is where all the serious work gets done and all the minerals, salts, metals, and chemicals are removed.


Aluminum 90%
Arsenic 98%
Arlum 95%
Cadmium 95%
Calcium 98%
Chromium III 98%
Copper 90%
Fluoride 98%
Iron 98%
Lead 90%
Magnesium 98%
Manganese 90%
Mercury II 85%
Nitrate 90%
Potassium 95%
Senenlum 95%
Silver 98%
Sodium 95%
Strontlum 90%
Sulfate 90%
Zinc 98%
Total Dissolved Solids 95%
Asbestos 99%

Chlorine 98%+
Herbicides 98%+
Pesticides 98%+
DDT 98%+
Endrin 90%+
Undane 98%+
Aldrin 98%+
Benzene 98%+
V.O.C.S. 98%+
Adrazin 98%+
Fluoranthene 98%+
Phenole 98%+
Trihalomelthanes 98%+
Toxaphene 98%+
Dichloromethane 98%+
Chloroform 98%+
Trichlorethlene 98%+
Perchlorethylene 98%+
Tannic Acid 98%+
Metoxychlor 98%+
PCB 98%+

Download PI Mineraliser/Alkaliser Data Sheet here

***when instaling a reverse osmosis system, you should always consider a good MINERALISER to put the good things back into the water